Embracing New Chapters: M...
June 12, 2024
Order your way to P100,000 as foodpanda gives you Freaky Fridays! From November 13 to December 4, 2015, all single transaction orders worth a minimum of P500 placed every Friday from 10 AM to 11 PM will serve as a raffle entry to win...
Finally! I’m now writing my 2nd blog post for “What’s inside my bag” series. I apologize if it took me a while to do this blog post. It was supposed to be posted months ago but anyway, the important thing is I had the...
What’s with the Sunday Currently? I’ve been seeing this kind of blog post (series) lately all over the internet and I find it really interesting. According on what I read, The Sunday Currently is basically a link-up post by Siddathornton – the woman behind this...
Thank God it’s Friday! I’m very grateful for having a less hassle week compared to the previous ones. We didn’t able to have our sembreak because our school calendar has been changed this year but still happy because we successfully survived the midterm examination...
Hearing Christmas songs everywhere and seeing different Christmas decor gives me the best excitement. It’s already happening! Christmas season is here!! We’re on the First week of November already. We only have a month and a half before the most awaited day! Christmas wishlist...
I’m now on my 4th year in College. Yes!! But things aren’t easy for me. I’m glad I have my friends with me. We have loads of activities for this sem but with them, things get lighter. They motivates me to exert more effort...
Yes! Here’s another segment on my blog – #LSS. I will be featuring here my current favorite song or if there’s any song that best describes my mood I’m a big fan of Taylor Swift’s songs since I was in highschool, and until now....
Highschool besties are the best. They are my forever. We’ve been through a lot and no one else can replace them in my heart. We became really close with each other when we were in our senior year and up until now, even though...
Hi everyone! I recently stumbled upon this website called Shopback which offers cash rebates for products bought through their portal. Receiving cash back when I shop online appeals to me but it sounds almost too good to be true, so I went...
June 12, 2024
June 19, 2024
March 6, 2025
November 22, 2024