Instagram is my most favorite photo sharing app and I used this social media platform to promote and share my latest blog post and get to update you from time to time. I guess I’m obsessed with it as much as I’m obsessed with Snapchat. Ha! I sometimes used my DSLR to post instagram photos. I want my feed to look clean but it always ended up being messy. Sometimes it’s bright and it will suddenly turned into dark. I don’t have the consistency in maintaining my feed.
Editing is one of the key to produced great instagram photos. For my feed, I’m only using 2 photo editing apps, and these are:
This photo editing app has a lot of features. You can tune your raw images, crop, transform, and you can also heal every tiny details. I’m using this app to enhance my photo’s brightness and ambiance. Here’s a comparison of a raw photo and a photo that has been enhanced using Snapseed
After I enhanced its brightness and ambiance using the Snapseed, I will now apply a VSCO filter. When you install this app, you can access some free filters but there are also paid ones if you want. Before, I always use the A series (A4 or A6) and HB series filters (HB1 or HB2) which are free. But now, it’s either N1 (Modern) and SE3.
For this photo, I used the SE3 filter and I adjusted its saturation and temperature to -1 and its now ready to post! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!